虽然对于一个考虑问题足够全面的人来说,这样一个标题如果不加上“之一”两字实在欠妥,但是我也不想再在重装系统这样一桩毫无技术含量的小事上大动干戈,耗费精力,所以这样的精力一次就够了吧。 重装的初衷很简单,想将x200作为纯粹的实验室用机,顺便重新分区,再装个ubuntu。而自己也早已厌倦这五岁老机子长达五分钟的开机速度,只是因为懒而迟迟不去处理。 在刚开始重装的时候,不顺利的苗头就已经探出来了:u盘版PE制作不顺(论旧软件与新系统的不兼容性),一开始找的xp系统是阉割版(事实证明国内盗版资源远比piratebay优质,并说明了校对MD5码的重要性),不过这些都是正常的问题,待安装驱动和更新固件时,一系列诡异的问题就出现了。


安装完所有驱动后,发现静音键、Thinkvantage以及Fn+F5这类组合键无法使用,音量增减键虽然可以使用但木有显示控制栏,Check过热键驱动已经安装过后,想到的最简单粗暴的解决方法就是用ThinkVantage包中的System Update查找并安装缺失以及最新的驱动。方法是好的,可惜我手贱把BIOS的固件更新也给选上了。 安装时一切正常,但重启后黑屏,无任何BEEP,开机状态、电池、交流电三个指示灯孤零零地亮着。听着无力的风扇声,心说坏了,难道BIOS更新失败(本来使用windows系统更新BIOS就是一件极其不靠谱的事情,真是悔不当初),只能任凭电脑开在那里,洗洗睡了。不知过了多久,突然听风扇声突然嗡嗡大作,POST一闪而过,兴奋地跳起来一看,却发现又回到了原始的黑屏状态。反复两次之后实在敌不过困意,竖着的耳朵一旦瘫倒,再有意识就是今天早上。 神奇的是居然进入了系统,这说明BIOS更新正常,应该是引导时由于一些问题而导致其进行了长时间的试错。又试了几次,发现每次黑屏都是十分钟左右,这下好办了,迅速找到了这篇文档。 http://support.lenovo.com/en_SA/diagnose-and-fix/detail.page?DocID=HT003412 Symptom ThinkPad will have a possibility of taking 10 minutes to boot the Operating System (OS) after BIOS is updated.

Affected configurations ThinkPad X200, X200s, X200 Tablet with the Intel Management Engine (ME) firmware version 4.0.8 build 1139. Solution There are two ways to solve this symptom. Remove a coin battery for 30 seconds to reset ME. Note: _Some BIOS setup data will be lost. You may be asked for time/date at startup. The power on password needs to be set again. Download the latest ME firmware update from the following sites: English Support site Japan Support site _ Additional Information _Cause of the problem: _ Some data in ME will be reset incompletely after BIOS update and ME takes 10 minutes to retry reading them. The ME first release built in the ThinkPad units and recently released BIOS fitted for the latest ME may have a chance of some mismatch in that part.

_Preventing the symptom: _ Obtain the latest ME firmware (see solution above) and apply update before BIOS update. 所以说解决方法很简单,安装Intel AMT 4.2 - Management Engine Firmware(7ur6cdww.exe)即可,而且阅读intel对AMT的介绍后发现这对我没啥用,完全可以禁用。兴奋地开机,可是这次POST界面等了半小时都没出现。所以说还有两个解决方案,主板放电和尝试重装u盘。前者缺十字螺丝刀,后者缺小容量U盘。当我四处打听找齐了这两个神器的拥有者后,POST界面神奇地出现了,迅速F1进BIOS,disable了AMT,重启,失败。等待,进入系统,安装,重启,失败。在\drivers文件夹找到解压出的安装包,手动安装,重启,POST界面瞬间出现。问题解决。


搞定BIOS问题后,我顺手进BIOS把SATA从使用启用u盘所需的Compatibility模式改为AHCI,结果出现蓝屏,代码0x0000007B。MSDN给出的解决方案(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/890463)是卸载SP2(这。。)。联想的解决方案(http://support.lenovo.com/en_SA/diagnose-and-fix/detail.page?DocID=HT003552)中则提到了迅盘: Note: If after you make this change you get a BSOD with a stop code of 0x0000007B every time you boot (you may not be able to see the stop code), you do not have the AHCI driver already installed in your operating system. Systems pertaining to this tip should not experience this problem, because (1) it can only happen on Windows XP, and (2) in order to get this BSOD you have to have the AHCI driver installed (just not in use). Regardless, if you are experiencing this problem, change your BIOS settings back to Compatibility mode, and once in Windows, install the latest Turbo Memory Controller driver. Once that is complete, change BIOS back to AHCI mode. 我默默注意到注解中特意提到了XP,再一查AHCI才发现原来这玩意只有Vista支持(我的x200原生系统是Vista这个过渡品,而为什么之前XP系统一直和AHCI模式相安无事大概是由于我木有装disable turbo memory的驱动。)介于我木有迅盘这种无用的东西,所以最简单的解决方案就是调回Compatibility。。


然后就回到了最初的某些热键不能使用的问题上来。在联想官网没有找到相关的解决方案,网上能搜到的网友回答也都是什么安装最新的驱动这种废话(我很确定我用的是最新的了)。不过在一个帖子(http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=108187)上发现了这个跟帖: _Hi! _ _I have T400 with W8 and I was digging through hotkeys driver. _ _From what I found now, the registry keys are doing… nothing. Every fn+fX combination is executing \Program Files\Lenovo\HOTKEY\tpfnfX.exe (so if you’d like to run something using FN+F1, place here file “tpfnf1.exe” that will be executed). _ Anyway, still found nothing about ThinkVantage button and Volume keys (funny thing is that vol up/down are working ok; but mute IS muting volume in hardware, not software [windows does not see change and I cannot unmute using key]). Maybe someone else can try to dig through this.

_I’m using exactly this driver (8jvu34ww.exe) _ _http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/downloa … D=DS014985_

_[edit] _ Ok, this sounds like a bug with the newest driver v3.84. As advised on some older topic, I installed older, 3.81 version of driver, and everything’s working now - both mute button, and editing ThinkVantage key in registry. 花擦,这也行。下载了3.81版(8jvu23ww.exe),卸载新版,安装旧版,重启,解决。


p.s. Lou Reed昨日突然离世,RIP